Reflecting on 2023 and Welcoming 2024 with Blues Dance Magic

Dear Blues Dance Community,

As the year 2023 has passed, it's a time for us to pause, reflect, and welcome the promise of a new beginning in 2024. Our journey through the last year has been a dance of success and failures, a rhythmic interplay of highs and lows that continue to shape us. Now, as the music changes, let's attempt to be willing to step into the future with the wisdom we've gained from our past experiences.

In the world of Blues Dance, every sway and shuffle carries a story, a testament to our growth and resilience. Did we live the past year fully, with vitality, and as shining examples to our families and fellow humans? As we move into the next chapter, this question guides us on our journey across the dance floor of life.

Regardless of what the new year holds, one constant remains—the profound magic of dance. It's a language that speaks to the depths of our souls, transcending barriers and inviting us to express our truest selves. As we eagerly await the dawn of a new year, let's commit to seeking opportunities to dance, allowing its music to resonate within us.

For me, the passing of another year strengthens my commitment to our vibrant and growing Blues Dance community. In 2024, I am not only excited to continue dancing but also eager to continue to learn and to extend a warm invitation to those who have yet to experience the profound connection that Blues Dance offers. There's a unique joy in the sway and syncopation of this dance form, and sharing that joy is a privilege that I cherish.

I extend my warmest wishes to each of you, hoping you find comfort and joy in every step you take. If you find yourself yearning for something more, consider joining Grace and me on the Blues dance floor in 2024. Let's step into the new year with the shared passion and enthusiasm that unites us all.

May your dance be infused with the soulful magic of the Blues, your heart pulsating with its rhythm, and your journey on the dance floor of life filled with boundless joy.

Wishing you a soul-stirring 2024 filled with dance.


With anticipation,


Shyness and Social Dancing.